Funny Cats & Dogs Will Cheer You Up ๐Ÿ˜‚ Best Funniest Animal Videos ๐Ÿ˜บ #2

Funny Cats & Dogs Will Cheer You Up ๐Ÿ˜‚ Best Funniest Animal Videos ๐Ÿ˜บ #2
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You you got a new jacket Mama oh are you okay Baby [Music] [Laughter] Wait for It What was that Squeak good boy Squeak Squeak oh [Laughter] No [Laughter] Wait there he [Music] Is Oh are you okay are you Okay come here Quen does Dum Shows she is in Grand Champion showd Dog This one right Here hey what you doing what you doing y Get get out Good are you scared it's okay scared oh It's Okay it's okay okay it's Okay it's okay oh it's okay [Laughter] It's [Music] Piggy Dipping piggy dipping at the piggy Pond like a baby

Don't look Terrified nothing to see here s so Back I'm Sorry I didn't make it that dirty Jeez I begin to pass Out and my head hit the wall Bo I got you for emotional support and You make me want to kill Myself come on quick come on Quick Quick Hi You are so this is not Real look it's all Right what is that it's dead raccoon That is not a dead raccoon what is it Dead that's your cat [Music] Oh [Music] Claw is our Master claw chooses who will Go's s LS over There Squ I had a couple Red Bulls you ever Had a Red Bull I never had a Red Bull Before but I had a Red Bull last night I Really like Red Bull To oh my God what is That oh my God what is That You have a smooth brain no ridges or Lumps or valleys or bumps all ideas

Slide right off like a water slide Smooth brain Smooth Ow My oh Love I so cute it's the cutest thing You've ever Done A try Me [Music] Mm M mhm try Me yep [Music] Bye thank You girl [Applause] Perala what are you Doing Hey come On [Music] F [Music] Are you Hungry he's a 10 But his brain is made of Shrimp I can't believe that this is my Life sharing my pillow with a Cat and I wouldn't have it any other Way B Hi I'd like to make an appointment sorry

He's new Here okay so if there's two squirrels Per tree there might be more and there's 50,000 trees 50,000 * 2 is 100,000 Squirrels and I've peed on 10 trees so 10 * 2 20 squirrels 100,000 – 20 is 99,9 0 squirrel yeah I Did gross you should lick their heads Too No it's loading silly Girl I'm sorry it's taking forever to Load was taking so long oh there it Goes Lola can you speak can you bark say Speak Lola Speak Lola Baby why can't you do Anything you went upstairs didn't You you went upstairs and got a sponge Out of the Bathroom Nash Let me me see the PO let me see it it's Hurt it's hurt the PO is Hurt oh I'm [Music] Sorry what if it's really Hard you're disgusting get off of me This is my beautiful gorgeous angel who Has never done one thing wrong in her Entire existence and this pile of Lard Has a warrant in Three Counties piggy Dipping piggy dipping at the piggy Pond You have a smooth brain no ridges or

Lumps or valleys or bumps all ideas Slide right off like a water slide Smooth brain Smooth hey Mama good Morning fine you don't got to talk to me Today Girly why you ignore Me she's ignorant boo Beats Boops Douglas What are you doing Toby get out of the Tree You get [Music] Out I love him he's my [Applause] Buddy Whisper use your whisper voice oh that's Really good that was really that's Better very yes that's it's exactly Right good Okay that's the voice we used now we Just whisper good good job Yeah he wants to steal my Spaghetti he was licking his Lips you see this you see This [Music] Wow what a big Song [Music] [Music] Bella the door is

Open the door's open Bella you don't Have to [Music] Scratch Can you hold my H Hey We have a no walking in the house rule Look what happens when someone breaks [Music] It

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