How Do CATS MARK Their TERRITORY? 🐱🐾 (Stop Inappropriate Marking At HOME βœ…)

🐈 Have you noticed marking behaviors in your cat and want to know how and why they do it? In this AnimalWised video, we explain everything you need to know about why cats mark and how they do it. We also show you what you can do to stop and redirect their behavior when it becomes problematic in the home.


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In today’s animal-wised video we explain The three main ways cats mark territory As well as what we can do to redirect This behavior if it becomes problematic [Music] Urine marking Urine contains much olfactory Information in the form of pheromones That cats detect and process through a Special structure called the vomeronasal Organ located in the palate behind the Upper incisors this organ allows felines To know the sexual or health status of Other animals among other information When the cat marks with urine they raise Their tail to a fully erect position and Move it rapidly while releasing small Droplets of sprayed urine on a vertical Surface this behavior is carried out by Males and females although to a lesser Extent in female cats Paw marking Anyone who is or has been a guardian of A cat will know these animals tend to Scratch certain elements of the home Such as sofas chairs or trees in the Garden scratching certain surfaces is a Natural and necessary behavior in the Cat not only to condition their nails But to mark territory this is because Glands in the paws produce scent markers Meaning the markings are both visual and Olfactory Facial marking

Finally we can find facial marking this Is carried out by cats when they rub Their face against something or even Someone Cats usually perform this type of Marking when they feel calm as it’s a Way of marking the territory as safe By leaving a chemical scent they show They feel comfortable in the situation When they rub their face against yours It’s a clear signal they feel secure and Comfortable in your presence in the info Video above we talk in more detail about Why your cat rubs their face against you What to do when a cat marks although it Can be very unpleasant when our cat Sprays urine inside the home or Scratches the furniture marking is a Totally natural behavior in cats they do It even when they don’t live with other Cats or when there is barely a Possibility that other animals will Invade their territory for this reason It’s ineffective and counterproductive To punish them for it this doesn’t mean It is not sometimes problematic there Are ways to reduce the frequency with Which the feline carries out these Behaviors depending on the type of Marking and its purpose some will be More effective than others let’s see the Possible solutions Sterilization the removal of a cat’s Sexual organs is a very effective

Solution in reducing territorial marking This is because the cats will no longer Need to mark to signal for a potential Mate eliminating sexual hormones in this Way not only reduces marking it helps With other issues related to feline Reproduction such as unwanted kitten Litters cats running away in an attempt To mate aggression and others Neutrine needs to be carried out at the Appropriate time and in the right Circumstances so consult your Veterinarian if your cat is not yet Neutered find out more about new uranium Cats in the next info video Synthetic pheromones and enriched Environment Marking that takes place as a result of Stress is not eliminated by neutering This is achieved by providing the cat With an enriched calm and stable Environment where they can feel safe Methods of creating such an environment Include using synthetic feline Pheromones providing scratching posts Installing platforms at various heights For climbing or even using boxes as a Place for the cat to hide if they feel Insecure of course we should never Punish the animal for urinating or Scratching the furniture as we can Further increase their stress levels [Music] Veterinary consultation

Finally bear in mind that urine marking Is not the same as inappropriate Urination the latter occurs when the cat Urinates in places other than the litter Box if you notice your cat begins to pee More frequently than usual or they do so In inappropriate places consult your Veterinarian to rule out possible Pathologies such as a urinary tract Infection If you want to continue learning about The behavior of cats don’t miss the Playlist we share here let us know if You’ve had to deal with inappropriate Marketing by your cat and we’ll see you Next time [Music]

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