How to DISCIPLINE a CAT PROPERLY πŸ±βœ… (Cat Education)

🐈 Have you just adopted a cat and are struggling with bad behavior? We want our cats to live harmoniously in the home, but it is not always easy. We often find they do things which are disruptive to the home and even potentially dangerous to themselves. This is why AnimalWised helps explain the best way to discipline a cat properly.


5 MISTAKES You Make When You DISCIPLINE a CAT πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈβŒπŸˆ πŸ‘‰

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Most videos about disciplining a Companion animal are focused on dogs Leading many of us to believe we can’t Teach discipline to cats This animal-wise video shows you this is Not true you can scold a cat if you do It properly and it’s a necessary part of Feline education [Music] Never use negative reinforcement Negative reinforcement is a feline Education technique which causes the Cat’s stress or makes them feel Uncomfortable it can include yelling or Even hitting This behavior is not only cruel it’s Counterproductive Instead of discipline you’re more likely To generate stress in your cat and even Break the bond you’ve developed by Sharing a home together Always use positive reinforcement The strategy we need to use when Disciplining a cat should always be Positive reinforcement we need to reward Good behavior rather than reinforcing Bad behavior This means we should neither scold a cat Nor offer rewards when they do something Bad Instead when they do some action or Perform a behavior we want to reinforce Then we reward them with a pleasant Experience immediately after

This is often thought of as a treat Whether store bought or homemade but can Also be something as simple as attention Or petting Our cat will then associate a behavior They generate with a positive experience Something they will want to be repeated Again in the future If we see our cat do something they Shouldn’t the best thing is to ignore Them and never give them a reward Make sure to provide fun and pampering Daily Many feline behavioral problems are Solved by simply spending time with our Cat on a daily basis Often the cat misbehaves to simply get Our attention Just as dogs are very active outside Many can’t spend a lot of time indoors Even if they have outdoor access This can lead to boredom or lack of Stimulation it’s necessary to ensure we Provide them with sufficient mental and Physical stimulation at least 30 minutes Spread throughout the day During this time you can play with them Using toys and accessories but it’s also Important to pet them and provide Reassurance Offer scratching trees and cat shelves It’s also important to ensure your house Is cat friendly Cats like heights and are very curious

Provide multi-level scratching trees or Install wall perches for cats These allow them to explore observe and Move freely throughout the home Never resort to aggressive behavior Finally it’s important to mention that You should not use aggressive behaviors In any circumstance we are only going to Cause stress and fear but the cat will End up associating you with negative Experiences Cats are very delicate animals on an Emotional level so if we see there are Behaviors that we can’t control we Should seek professional help from a Feline ethologist If you want to continue learning about Feline behavior don’t miss the playlist That we share up here Tell us your experiences disciplining Your cat by leaving a comment below and We’ll see you next time [Music] You

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