How to Gain the Trust of a Cat

Hello and welcome to AnimalWised. We are always trying to find ways to help guardians strengthen the bonds they have with their pets. In this video we’ll show you 5 basic tips on how to gain the confidence of a cat, whether an adult or a kitten. You may need to gain acat’s trust as they are new to your family, but it may also come in hand if you meet a stray or abandoned cat’s not easy to make a cat trust you, but following our guidelines can help with a cat who is afraid or aggressive as they are wary of you.

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[Music] Welcome to this animal-wise video where We bring you five tips to help you gain The trust of a cat it is not easily done As cats are understandably fearful of People they don’t yet know This is due to the potential threat they May pose so a newly adopted cat will Need a helping hand [Music] Give them time whenever a change occurs In the life of a cat such as a move the Departure of a friend or a new family Member it is essential you provide Enough time for your cat to adapt to This new situation it is also important To never make the cat do anything it Doesn’t want to do Forcing them to come out of hiding or Putting excessive pressure on them The cat will move forward when they feel Safe So it is recommended you give them time And space pushing them too hard can put More distance between the two of you Obviously this is different in emergency Situations or important times like a Vet’s visit But respecting a cat’s boundaries will Help you make them trust you make them Associate your presence with positivity Your cat will be more likely to spend Time with you if they associate your Presence with something positive

If every time you enter this space with Positivity such as providing food Petting them respectfully or playing With toys your cat will begin to Associate these pleasant things with Your general presence on the other hand If every time you arrive you are loud Invasive or engaging in stressful Behavior the association they will have With you will be negative ensure your Cat has a good time with you every day And you will see that they will start to Gain your trust Avoid punishment Not only will the use of punishment Cause your card to create negative Associations with you it will also Increase their stress and anxiety levels Make them feel insecure or inhibited and Generally worse in your relationship the Ideal when educating a cat is to use Positive reinforcement for good Behaviour when behavioural problems do Arise look for the cause and seek advice From a feline behaviorist if necessary Playing games should be a daily activity With your cat It is important to improve your bond but Will also stimulate their mind and Enrich their daily life If you make a cat happy they are more Likely to trust you you can find cat Toys of all different kinds including Fishing rods toys and toy mice however

We recommend you go a little further and Introduce intelligent toys such as kong Toys or those which sharpen their mental And physical reflexes Give them plenty of attention and Affection cats are not always grateful To those who care and protect them They can even be unpleasant in some Situations however If you show them indisputable affection Then it will go a long way in getting Them to accept us You can show this through unobstrusive Kisses caresses and speaking to them Softly Understanding a cat’s feline nature Requires you to be patient and constant In your quest or friendship This is essential if you want to bond With a cat and gain their trust In short the most important thing to Gain a cat’s trust is to give them Enough space Respect their feline nature Strive to understand their language and Provide adequate socialization If we relate to them in a positive way And carry out daily interactions to Strengthen our bond cats will start to Earn our trust In some specific cases you may find an Individual cat doesn’t make much Progress In these cases the best thing to do is

Seek help from a specialist these Include vets specialized in feline Ethology Or a professional cat trainer is there Anything you’d like to add to this list What advice do you think is most Important If you have anything to share leave us a Comment below like if you enjoyed the Video and subscribe to our channel for More informative videos See you next time [Music] You

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