How to Know If MY CAT Is SICK ๐Ÿ˜ฟ (9 Common Symptoms)

๐Ÿˆ Have you noticed something strange or different in your cat lately? Is it making you believe they may be sick? In this AnimalWised video, we explain what are the symptoms of a sick cat so you can find out if your cat is in pain or if they are suffering from a certain pathology. If in doubt, it is best to go to a veterinarian.


How to take a CAT’S TEMPERATURE ๐Ÿ˜ฟ๐ŸŒก๏ธ Know if My CAT HAS FEVER ๐Ÿ‘‰
Why Does My CAT EAT VERY LITTLE? ๐Ÿฑ (5 Reasons) ๐Ÿ‘‰

Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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[Music] Cats of any kind can become sick on Occasion as their caregivers it’s our Responsibility to not only help restore Their health but be vigilant for the Signs of illness and cats Discover these signs with animal wised Fever if a cat has a fever it’s common For their nose to become warm and dry to Confirm an elevated body temperature it Should be recorded anally with a Thermometer something they usually don’t Like their healthy body temperature is Between 101 to 102.5 degrees fahrenheit Or 38.3 to 39.2 degrees celsius anything Above 102.5 degrees means they have Fever our first info video teaches you The best way to take a cat’s temperature Quality of urine and feces Monitoring our cats waste helps us to Monitor their state of health for Example kidney or bladder problems will Change the quality of their urine Similarly if a cat urinates outside of Their litter box it can be a sign of a Physical health problem it usually means They cannot control their bladder the Consistency and appearance of a cat’s Stool can also reveal something about Their health if we see our cat has Diarrhea there is blood in their stool Or they haven’t defecated for more than Two days they need to be taken to a Veterinarian immediately

Nausea if you notice your cat vomits Don’t panic cats usually purge Themselves by regurgitating material However sometimes cats are nauseous but Don’t vomit this can be worrying as it May be due to a stomach or esophageal Obstruction in the event that our feline Vomits several times over a day or two It may be poisoning an infection of the Intestinal tract or even a kidney Problem [Music] Purring if our cat purrs very largely it Can be a sign they are not feeling well They want to let you know so we can help Them they can also do this through Distressed meowing something more Typical of very vocal breeds such as the Siamese Bad breath in the event that our cat has Foil breath it’s possible they have Kidney or dental problems if their Breath is fruity it’s a very bad sign Since maybe our cat is suffering from Diabetes Increased water intake if we observe our Feline drinks water excessively it may Be a symptom they are sick it can be a Sign of diabetes kidney disease or Various serious pathologies Changes in appetite a sudden lack of Appetite is a clear sign the cat is not Feeling well in these circumstances we Need to ensure they drink enough water

If our cat also refuses to drink we Should go to the vet because it may mean The problem is acute in this case it’s Possible they have been poisoned causing Them to not eat or drink due to the Tremendous pain they feel in their Stomach find out more about loss of Appetite in cats in the next info video Excessive scratching if a cat scratches A lot it’s a clear sign they are Infested by parasites fleas are the most Common but there are also many other External parasites such as ticks or Mites Starting in the spring it’s best to Protect our feline by means of an Anti-parasitic collar or pipette [Music] Postures of a sick cat when a cat is Sick they display a generally depressed State we can observe they sleep more Than usual they do not sleep at all or Do so very infrequently in this way we Must monitor their sleep patterns and Dietary habits when ill they also tend To adopt abnormal positions display Strange movements and lose the usual Desire to play once you have verified Any of these symptoms you should go to The vet in addition an annual or Semi-annual visit to the veterinarian is Necessary for the professional to check The cat and monitor their health Discover more tips on caring for cats in

The playlist we share here Leave a comment with any signs which Made you realize your cat was sick and We’ll see you next time [Music] You

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