LABRADOR RETRIEVER – ALL About This Popular Breed

EVERYTHING ABOUT THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER πŸΆπŸ‘‡ The Labrador Retriever is, without doubt, one of the most appreciated and beloved breeds in the world. They are so well loved thanks to their appearance, remarkable intelligence and balanced character. These features along with their storied history as an assistance and working dog help us to see why they are so popular. Are you considering adopting the Labrador Retriever as part of your family? If so, you will need to know everything about their care, temperament, health and more. Fortunately, this AnimalWised video on the character, characteristics and care of the Labrador Retriever is here for you. For even more information, you can check out our AnimalWised breed file for this beloved canine πŸ‘‰

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[Music] The Labrador Retriever is one of the Most popular dog breeds in the world at Least according to official dog Registries they are also known as a Labrador or simply a lab they are a Beautiful intelligent and Noble dog Which is suitable for all family types If you’re thinking of adopting a Labrador Retriever it’s important to get Informed this is how you can begin to Offer the best care especially since They are such an intelligent and active Dog at animal wise we tell you Everything you need to know about the Labrador Retriever so you can see why They are such beloved dogs Despite their name which refers to the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada the international sign illogical Federation recognizes the origin of the Lab as British the history of this Popular breed is related more Specifically to the island of Newfoundland and its capital st. Johns It is likely that the Scent Jones water Dog is a direct ancestor of the Labrador And originates in Britain these water Dogs were taken to Newfoundland by English fishermen these dogs had to be Tough hard-working and adept swimmers They also needed to have dense fur to Protect them from the icy waters of the North with thick tails to help guide

Them in the water the smallest variety Of st. John’s water dog would have given Rise to different breeds of Retriever The Labrador Retriever being just one of Them by the mid 18th century some dogs From San John’s were exported to England Where they were used by a handful of Breeders to obtain the perfect Retriever After several carefully bred generations The Labrador Retriever was born in the First two decades of the 20th century The morphological basis of this breed Was established in England leading to What we can see today at this time there Were already several retrievers Registered in the English Kennel Club After World War Two the Labrador began To gain popularity little by little they Demonstrated their great qualities as a Working dog but undoubtedly their Popularity grew due to an endearing Appearance and equally loveable nature The Labrador Retriever is a medium-sized Dog with a strong muscular and compact Body for males the height at the withers Is around 56 to 57 centimeters for Females they are between 54 and 56 Centimeters the weight of males should Be between 27 and 34 kilos and 25 to 32 Kilos for females the Labradors coat is Short dense and without any waves they Have a double coat the soft and Waterproof undercoat the outer coat is Harder and helps maintain water

Insulation the colors accepted for this Breed are black chocolate and gold the Golden color can range from light cream To reddish tones small white spots on The chest are acceptable One of the most notable features of the Labrador Retriever is its character due To their friendly appearance an Exceptionally suitable character this Dog is one of the world’s most popular Beyond being a companion animal the Stable character of these dogs has made Them great rescue therapy and assistance Dogs they are a sociable friendly loyal Intelligent and fun-loving breed they Are easy to train so they’re great Company if you have the time and space The Labrador is usually very friendly Even with strangers but needs to be Properly socialized as a puppy the breed Has a lot of energy and needs a lot of Exercise although it can adapt to Apartment living they need long walks And to play with other dogs a fondness For water is one of this dog’s Behavioral characteristics despite its Many great qualities the Labrador can be Demanding of attention it is important To educate them properly when young so They avoid excessive attention seeking And separation anxiety later on Additionally labs tend to have a Prolonged adolescence so they are not The best pet for people who prefer to

Lead a sedentary life they are a great Choice for those who enjoy outdoor Physical activities We start with the labs daily routine Which should include three to four walks Well distributed throughout a day this Routine needs to be combined with active Exercise as it is a breed known for Their insatiable appetite so obesity Needs to be avoided exercise will also Help to channel their active and Restless temperament we can play simple Games with them such as fetch but Agility training or exercise such as can Across our ideal swimming is also Preferable for this breed toys are Important to stimulate cognition and to Channel their natural energy Ideally combined conventional toys such As Kong’s with intelligence games for Dogs some Labradors may have a habit of Chewing objects so chew toys might also Be advisable To keep their code clean they need Brushed a couple of times a week and a Bath once every two months or when the Dog is very dirty We should regularly clean their teeth And ears as well as trim their nails It’s essential you offer them a quality Diet whether based on commercial food or Homemade recipes controlling portion Size will also help reduce the chances Of obesity but contact a veterinarian if

In any diet The Labrador Retriever is a relatively Easy dog to educate and train thanks to Its sociable character and Predisposition toward affection and Treats the ideal socialization of any Dog begins when they are a puppy a Process which needs to be continued Throughout their life they need to Relate to all kinds of people animals And objects this avoids the development Of fear and adulthood they need to learn Basic commands such as sitting staying And coming when called all these orders Not only help the dog safety they help Forge the strong bones you should share With your dog and stimulate them Mentally since the Labrador Retriever Has excellent natural qualities you can Help sharpen them through games and Activities of all kinds a way to keep Them agile and happy is to play with Them something you will enjoy just as Much as they we can also begin advanced Obedience training to further improve Cognition all the while remembering they Are one of the smartest dogs in the World The Labrador Retriever is a relatively Healthy and long-lived dog they stand Out for their fitness and excellent Health however excessive inbreeding in This breed has led to genetic diseases Which unfortunately usually appear as

The dog ages a very common example is Hip dysplasia for our dog to enjoy a Good state of health ideally take them To a vet every 6 to 12 months this will Provide a basic review and highlight any Health issues in the same way we can Help prevent problems by providing General levels of good care when there Are puppy we need to initiate a Vaccination schedule which needs to be Maintained throughout their life this Help prevent some of the most dangerous Canine diseases we should also carry out Periodic deworming as prescribed by your Veterinarian to protect against internal And external parasites with this level Of care a Labrador Retriever can live Between 10 and 15 years on average [Music] Now you know the most important aspects Of the Labrador why not share your Experiences in the comments like if you Enjoyed the video subscribe for more to Come and we’ll see you next time You

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