My CAT PEES EVERYWHERE πŸ±πŸ’§ (Why and What to Do)

🐈 Do you wonder why my cat pees everywhere? Whether it is on our clothes, on the floor or anywhere outside of the litter box, inappropriate elimination of urine in cats can be due to various reasons. These can be environmental, behavioral or even pathological. Check out this new AnimalWised video to know what they may be.


How to Make Two Cats Get Along πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

When a cat pees everywhere it’s bad for Everyone it makes our home unhygienic And it is a sign the cat has a problem Animal wise finds out what this problem May be [Music] Marking in cats the first reason a cat May pee everywhere is due to their Marking Behavior cats use urine as a Signal for both themselves and other Cats this is because the urine contains Pheromones from which cats derive a lot Of information you will know it is Marking Behavior if the cat only sprays Small amounts of urine in strategic Places rather than relieving themselves In one spot if your cat is urinating Outside their litter and are in heat it Is most likely marking to alert a male Of their presence marking can also be Territorial especially if we see the cat Scratching at objects or rubbing their Head against certain areas in the home If we’re sure the problem is urination And not marking we can look for some of The common reasons cats pee everywhere Diseases inappropriate elimination of Urine can be a sign of irritative Inflammatory infectious or painful Pathologies these may be directly Related to the urinary system in Problems such as infectious cystitis or A blocked urethra or it could be a more Systemic problems such as urinary

Incontinence in older cats disease is Particularly likely if we see blood in The cat’s urine they urinate small Amounts more regularly they have pain When urinating there’s increase or Decreased activity increased water Consumption or behavioral changes Per hygiene of the litter box cats are Very hygienic animals and will not Tolerate a litter box that is not Appropriately cleaned and sanitized if We don’t maintain this hygiene the cat Will feel insecure and can develop Stress when they want to urinate for This reason they often pee elsewhere Leading to inappropriate waste excretion Problems with the litter box it’s very Important we have the right number of Litter boxes for the amount of cats in Our home ideally we should have one for Each plus a Spare the type of litter box Must be suitable in terms of size and Quality of the litter itself generally Speaking cats prefer uncovered litter Boxes but this can vary if your cat Doesn’t like their litter box they may Show You by peeing everywhere else in The home the problem can also be Location as cats will not like to use a Litter box somewhere noisy or too close To their food and water Stress even small changes in routine can Cause stress and cats but we often see It when there is a major change in the

Home Dynamic when they are given Insufficient care or if their diet is Unsuitable for their needs stress has Various consequences on their health and Behavior including improper urination it Can also weaken their immune system and Result in various behavioral problems Introduction of a new individual when a New family member enters the home Especially if they are a cat it can Really upset the original resident Feline variations in the hierarchy of Multiple cat homes can also lead to Increased marking or improper urination Discover how to help two cats get along In our info video we share above How to prevent my cat from urinating Everywhere the first course of action Which often prevents improper urination Is neutering Spain and castration Reduces sexual hormone production and Stops the cats from needing to Mark to Attract a mate if the problem is Pathological treatment will depend on The underlying disease it’s important to Provide for the cat’s General care and Well-being so try to foster a cam space Where the cat can carry out their Natural behaviors in peace it’s Important to avoid using punishment or Negative reinforcement as it contributes To stress clean the litter box daily Place it in a suitable area and find one With which the cat feels comfortable

Ensure it is placed somewhere quiet and Away from their other accessories Finally we recommend the use of Synthetic feline pheromones to create a Calm and peaceful environment to reduce Stress if the problem persists it’s best To go to a specialist in feline Anthology If you want to continue learning about The behavior of cats don’t miss the Playlist We Share here let us know if You have had this problem with your cat And what you did about it check back for More helpful videos to come and we’ll See you next time

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