My CAT WAKES Me Up at NIGHT πŸ±πŸŒ™ Why Cats Won’t Let You Sleep

🐈 Does your cat wake you up at night? Cats are crepuscular animals, so it’s no wonder your feline wakes you up early. However, there are other reasons why your cat won’t let you get rest. Often this is because we are neglecting some aspect of their care or not responding to their attempts to communicate.


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[Music] Cats are crepuscular animals meaning They are most active at Dusk and Dawn However some felines feel happy to Wiki Up at any time of night animal wise Explains the possible reasons why [Music] They are hungry Cats are animals of routine if you feed Your cat a long time before they go to Bed their hunger is only going to Increase while you sleep they will start Looking for food sooner and disturb your Sleep without considering your intended Wake up time it’s a common reason why Cats won’t stop meowing in the morning Another common issue is feeding our cat Early during the week when we go to work We’ll need to find out they are keeping The same Meal Time ours at the weekend And waking you up accordingly They are sick Although it is not common for cats to Wake you up because they feel discomfort It’s essential we rule out this Possibility to ensure the health of your Feline if your cat starts meowing at Night all of a sudden it means something Has changed for them potentially Something to do with their health if you Suspect illness or they have not had a Recent Checkup go to a veterinarian Discover other behaviors that indicate a Cat is sick in the video we share on the

Card above They want attention many cats meow Because they want something whether it Be food grooming or simply some Affection when they meow when we give Them our attention they internalize that This Behavior has not come we engender This Behavior by using positive Reinforcement they meow we give them a Treat and the process repeats Unfortunately negative reinforcement can Also do the same this is because it Elicits some kind of reaction from us Even if we’re giving them negative Attention the behavior is also Reinforced I let you know why cats keep You up all night meowing and otherwise Disturb your sleep we’re going to Provide some practical tips and tricks To help you redirect this Behavior Doing so will help you get some much Needed rest as well as better ensure Your cat’s well-being Lower the blinds or put up blackout Curtains This will prevent sunlight from reaching The room where the cat sleeps they won’t Realize it’s actually daytime until you Decide to let in the light [Music] Keep them entertained during the day if Your cat wakes you up out of boredom Make sure to keep them entertained During the day with games patting or

Even a good grooming session if you Don’t have a lot of time a good bet is To improve their environmental Enrichment with cat houses wall mounted Shelves boxes food vending toys Interactive toys intelligence toys or Catnip spending time with your feline Also forges a stronger bond which will Improve the happiness of all parties Feed them right before bed Also wait a while after you get up in The morning to fill their bowl this Process may take a few weeks to get used To but you’ll notice your cat readjusts Their schedule and starts asking for Food at more appropriate times [Music] Use positive reinforcement at the right Time this means don’t respond when your Cat meows trying to wake you up Responding includes pushing them away Shushing or petting them if your cat Tries to get your attention even if the Response is not pleasant for them Responding at all will only reinforce Their behavior this may seem very Difficult but it’s best to try to pay Attention and offer affection only when The cat is calm and Silent in this way They will associate Tranquility with Positive attention when they wake you up In the middle of the night try to ignore Them if after one or two weeks of Strictly applying these guidelines you

Don’t see any Improvement it might be Best to go to an ethologist or any Veterinarian specialized in animal Behavior if you want to continue Learning about the behavior of cats Don’t miss the playlist We Share here Maybe you don’t mind at all if your cat Wakes you up at night or maybe it’s Driving around the bend let us know your Thoughts by leaving a comment and we’ll See you next time [Music] Foreign

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