My DOG Has LOOSE STOOLS πŸ•πŸ’© How to Fix It

🐢 Has your dog started to make loose stools and you don’t know why? Normal dog feces is neither hard nor soft, but should be the consistency of play dough. When a dog produces softer stools than normal it may be due to the reasons that we share with you in this AnimalWised video. We also show you what you need to do to harden their stool again.


Why Do DOGS Roll in POOP? πŸ’©πŸ• (3 Reasons) πŸ‘‰
DEWORMING DOGS – 5 Reasons it is Important πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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[Music] While not the most savoury aspect of dog Care Checking their stool is an important Responsibility of all guardians At animal-wise we explain why your dog Has loose stools And what you can do to harden them [Music] Causes of loose stools in dogs normal Dog feces is neither hard nor soft But must be a firm consistency similar To play-doh For a related video about dog stools Check out this one on why dogs roll in Poop When a dog produces softer stools than Normal it can be due to various reasons One reason may be due to stress and Anxiety when a dog is more nervous and Restless than normal Their stool can become softer such Stress could be related to a sudden Change in diet When it is necessary to change the dog’s Feet it should be done gradually Mixing it in little by little to avoid Sudden changes Similarly loose stools can be caused by Eating spoiled food The presence of foreign bodies ingesting Toxic substances Or internal parasites it can also be a Sign they are suffering from a disease

Or virus such as inflammatory bowel Disease Pancreatitis parvovirus canine distemper Or kidney disease To harden the dog’s feces a series of Measures must be taken so they return it To a normal and healthy consistency [Music] Use a suitable feed it’s possible the Food you’re giving your dog is making Them feel bad Look at the ingredient label and see if It has a lot of starch from corn or Other grains Or a lot of fat both of which can soften Stool If you have just abruptly changed their Feed this may be the cause of their Loose stools Even if the food is good it can be so Good they eat it more quickly This over exertion in their intestine Can result in loose stools If this is the case try giving them less Per feeding so they will produce less Stool It may also be that you’re giving dairy Products such as yogurt cheese and Butter They contain lactose that causes Diarrhea eliminate these foods from Their diet or only give it very Occasionally but without lactose Use probiotics when a dog has soft

Stools It could represent an imbalance in the Floor of the intestine Balance is necessary for digestion and For the formation of stool with proper Consistency A probiotic might be able to help Redress this balance but you will need To speak to your vet first Reduce stress a dog can become stressed For a number of reasons Including changes in their routine or Exercising more than usual In this case the solution will be to Reduce stress by identifying the Underlying cause Also if it doesn’t improve you can visit An ethologist who will establish Guidelines and treatment [Music] Deworm your dog a major cause of loose Stools in dogs is internal parasites For this reason the quickest and most Effective solution is internal deworming Of our canine here we share a video in Which we explain Why you should deworm your dog every Month Treat the disease as we have already Stated several diseases can cause loose Stools and dogs In this case you should go to a Veterinarian to achieve a precise Diagnosis

And establish treatment Food to harden a dog’s stool there are Foods like pumpkin which can help harden A dog’s stool You can try adding no more than two Tablespoons per feed to their bowl And assess its effect cooked rice or Sweet potato may also be used In a similar vein there are specially Formulated foods categorized as positive For digestion They can improve their gastrointestinal Transit and improve stool quality They are indicated to support medical Treatment until the disease or disorder That causes loose stools is controlled In this case it will be the veterinarian Who indicates whether this type of food Is necessary Here we share a playlist with even more Info on the canine diet Have you been able to treat your dog’s Loose stools tell us about it in the Comments And we’ll see you next time You

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