๐Ÿ‡ Has your rabbit stopped moving and you don’t know what’s wrong? In this AnimalWised video, we explain 7 possible reasons why a rabbit is breathing, but does not move. Finding out why a rabbit isn’t moving will help you know what to do about it.


How to TAKE CARE of a RABBIT ๐Ÿฐ Complete RABBIT CARE Guide ๐Ÿ‘‰
5 Signs Your Rabbit is Dying ๐Ÿ‘‰

Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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Rabbits are active and curious animals Which cannot stand still for very long For this reason if you see them not Moving for any length of time you might Wonder if there’s something wrong This is why animal wise explains why a Rabbit is breathing but not moving Trauma Traumas accidents falls from great Height or attacks by other animals can Make our rabbits stop moving this is due To the impact of the trauma and possible Internal damage Bones can often be broken and the animal Experiences so much pain they can’t move If you suspect that your rabbit has been In a traumatic accident or received any Injury take them to a vet immediately Old age as the rabbit ages their body Will undergo certain levels of wear and Tear this can lead to problems such as Osteoarthritis as well as simply being Less vital and energetic keep in mind That aging is progressive if you see an Older rabbit has changed their behavior All of a sudden something else may be Causing their immobility so we recommend You take them to the vet Paralysis rabbits can suffer from Paralysis for various reasons that Explain why they breathe but don’t move Such paralysis can be prevented by Ensuring their spine is supported they Avoid aggressive handling have a

Balanced diet and regular deworming at The vet The paralysis types that affect rabbits Are neurological nutritional and Parasitic Find out more about basic rabbit care in The video we share here Stress If you’ve observed your rabbit has also Begun to show compulsive behaviors such As moving their ears or scratching it May be due to stress to prevent stress And rabbits it’s best to play with them And establish a strong bond based on Respect for the rabbit behaviors they Will also need proper mental and Physical stimulation Avoid noise don’t scold maintain a Regular routine and don’t make sudden Changes to their environment Stroke Extreme temperatures can increase the Body temperature of our rabbits and Cause heat stroke Rabbits suffer when the ambient Temperature exceeds 28 degrees celsius Or 82 degrees fahrenheit High ambient temperatures can make the Rabbit remain stretched out static Dehydrated and lethargic More serious symptoms include redness of The ears hyper salivation gasping Weakness disorientation tremors seizures And shock

Hypothermia although it is less frequent Rabbits can also suffer from low Temperatures this is why we should Maintain an ideal room temperature of 21 To 27 degrees celsius Very cold temperatures cause hypothermia Resulting in physical damage if their Body temperature falls between 36 Degrees celsius or 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit in these cases they will Manifest signs such as reduced heart Rate disorientation lethargy dry skin Cold ears and fainting Appetite loss debilitating and painful Internal diseases can present loss of Appetite or anorexia as a clinical sign During their acute phase This situation in rabbits causes Weakness depression and low energy Leading to immobility a multitude of Problems and diseases can make your Rabbit stop eating in the video we share Above you can see when diseases progress Whether your rabbit might be dying If in addition to immobility and loss of Appetite you see the rabbit shows other Signs of disease such as weakness weight Loss inflammation lumps diarrhea Respiratory distress coughing fever or Runny nose it may indicate they are Suffering a pathology this requires Diagnosis and treatment by a Veterinarian If you want to learn more about caring

For rabbits don’t miss the playlist that We share here Tell us your experiences with rabbit Health in the comments below and we’ll See you next time You

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