Pet Care Tips- How to clip your dog’s nails

Vets in Swindon the Lawn Veterinary Centre Demonstrating how to clip your dog’s nails

Hi this is Paul wise and welcome to the Lawn vets video series in this short Video i’ll be sharing with you some tips On how to perform a procedure on your Pet to ensure the safety of you and your Pet i recommend if you’ve not already Done so that you first watch our animal Handling video okay so we’re just going To demonstrate how to clip a set of Nails up on a dog we’ve got the Equipment we need ready to always use to Have all the kit you need to hand a Couple of different types of clipper This is all sefer dogs with pretty big Nails we might use those on him but you Joe sort of save those for perhaps Labrador size or upwards and I’ve got a Small pair of clippers which are quite Good for just taking points off so Whatever looks his nails and see which Type of clipper suits in best just in Case we hit any quicksand occasionally We do not very often occasion we do we Have got a styptic pencil and some Tissue paper just a demo flow which does Happen occasionally ok so can have a Look see it at his nails and you may be Able to see we can settle the pink quick And the Filofax he’s got nice clear now It does make it a little bit easier and You see it appears to finish at that Point and I can tell you now that it Will go down further than that if you Trim at that level you will make them

Bleed so we’re just going to trim a Little bit lower than that so in this Case we’re probably going to take about Three millimeters off this rather Pointed nail ok now if we just look at The cut surface we can see that we’re Okay we’ve not hit the quick just take a Few minutes sometimes or a few seconds Of these for any blood to appear so Don’t clip too many before you check What you’re doing and if you can Sometimes see a little black mark there That’s a sign you’re very close to it as Your fell well done so I’m just going to Trim the rest of them for him Now kg when you’re doing is the wolf Fidget about a bit he’s actually been Pretty good if you give patients a bit Of a fidget it is sometimes a good idea Just to put your finger but the level You want to cut so if they move wash Your cutting you don’t trim something You don’t want to so a little bit like I’m doing now that in view okay that one Doesn’t they do sometimes the back Floors aren’t quite as long as the front So have a quick look at him and take Some points off of his they’re not too Bad You’re a good boy aren’t you okay now if You’re having go Turing nails is the First on your dogs had at nails trimmed Little word of warning sometimes I said Do get very upset so do be very careful

At first time some dogs are much more Tolerant than others and this little Fella was very good as always if having Watched this video you have any Questions or if you encounter any Difficulties performing the procedure Then please phone or email surgery we’re Here to personally help give you the Very best advice and treatment possible For your much-loved pet thanks for Watching any feedback regarding this Video will be very much appreciated You

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