Do you want to know about the SPANISH MASTIFF? In this AnimalWised video, we talk about the Spanish Mastiff breed by explaining their history, characteristics, character and training, among other factors. Discover this giant guard dog and how to care for them. You will see all about how to look after a Spanish Mastiff puppy and adult, as well as learn what we can do to ensure a long and happy life.

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Differences between English, French and Spanish Mastiffs ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ‘‰

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[Music] The Spanish Mastiff is an especially Popular breed in the more rural environs Of spin known for its imposing physical Appearance they are in fact Spain’s Largest dog breed what are the qualities Of this dog what do they need in terms Of training we explain everything in This new animal wise video [Music] This breed has been present on farms and Spanish land since the 13th century Performing a type of pastoral nomadism Known as transhumans defending against Wolves and other predators while there Are still users working dogs they are Also not popular as companion dogs even Becoming increasingly popular in big Cities The Spanish master is a giant-sized dog Of the Molosser type they have a Muscular powerful and compact body Although there is practically no maximum Size the breed standard indicates they Can reach 77 centimeters at the withers in males And 72 in females they weigh Approximately between 50 and 70 kilos They are generally of a solid color Usually yellow farm red black or wolf Colored but can have brindle patterns or Reddish tones We are looking at a very intelligent Noble and Hardy dog which can be very

Affectionate and meek with their family Properly socialized as a puppy we should See a balanced and self-confident dog Which is extremely loyal in fact they Are fairly can breed due to selective Breeding over the centuries we can see a Very protective instinct in this dog [Music] One of the main factors in terms of Basic care is food since they can be Both greedy and anxious over their food We also need to provide them with Several walks a day along with moderate Low-impact exercise to stay healthy we Also need to perform mental stimulation Games to keep their mind active as for Hygiene we should brush them weekly and Occasionally give them a bath But don’t forget important routines Concerning ear hygiene and nail cutter It is vital to keep in mind the fact That this dog breed needs to be Correctly socialized in their puppy Stage especially between the ages of 3 Weeks and 3 months this involves contact With all kinds of people animals and Environments positive experiences will Help this dog to be balanced and stable Without it behavioral problems are Likely basic obedience training is also Important for good communication with Humans it’s very advisable you seek a Canine behaviorist or go to a k9 Training center this breed is considered

Potentially dangerous in Spain and other Countries so licensing and insurance are Essential as well as using muzzles and Leashes in public spaces like many Breeds the Spanish Mastiff has a Predisposition towards hip dysplasia and Entropy on to best detect and prevent The development of these congenital Diseases we should visit the Veterinarian every six to twelve months Where they can advise us on their state Of health we also need to follow Instructions regarding vaccinations and Deworming with all of this The Spanish Mastiff can live between Eight and fifteen years of age do you Have any experiences with this breed if So share them with us in the comments Don’t forget to like if you enjoyed the Video subscribe for more and we’ll see You next time [Music] You

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