The RED PANDA ๐Ÿผโค๏ธ (Characteristics, Habitat, Diet and More!)

๐ŸŒณ Do you want to more about the red panda? In this AnimalWised video, we explain in detail everything you need to know about this curious mammal. Discover the origin of the red panda, their characteristics and behavior, where they live, as well as how they feed and reproduce.


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Welcome to animalwised where today we Look at an animal species which is as Fascinating as they are adorable the red Panda Red panda taxonomy The red panda is the only species within The genus al urus being also the only Extent member of the ayuridai family it Has previously been classified within The bear and raccoon families but Certain important differences led to Taxonomists necessitating the creation Of their own family In this sense the red panda is not a Type of bear discover the different Types of bears that do exist in the info Video we share above red panda Characteristics The red panda measures up to 25 inches In length and weighs between 7 and 33 Pounds although males are larger than Females their tail has about 12 rings Alternating between red and buff in Colour This provides balance and allows them to Move through difficult terrain with Great agility Their body is covered with long rough And dense red fur which darkens on the Ventral area and towards the legs they Have white facial fur which can form the Shape of a kind of mask or as tears that Run down the eyes red panda habitat the Red pandas habitat is forested areas of

Southeast asia specifically the red Panda lives in regions of the himalayas Bhutan southern tibet yunnan province in China and northeast india This habitat is generally characterized By a cool or temperate climate without Extreme temperatures it is closely Associated with mountain forests with Oak and fir trees as well as a dense Bamboo undergrowth they require bodies Of water so we’ll always stay relatively Close to one red panda feeding although The red panda is in the order of Carnivora their diet mainly consists of Young leaves and bamboo shoots they also Consume succulent herbs fruits acorns Lichens and fungi to a lesser extent They may eat bird eggs small rodents Smaller birds and insects giving them a Truly omnivorous diet Red panda behavior The red panda is a species with mainly Solitary and arboreal habits they only Usually interact with others of their Kind during the reproductive season they Are excellent climbers and are agile Enough to walk on the branches of trees In which they establish sleeping areas As a sedentary animal they spend much of The day sleeping and eating they tend to Be more active at dusk and in the early Hours of the morning they are a Generally calm animal but are capable of Defending themselves aggressively if

Disturbed or threatened Red panda reproduction Red pandas reach sexual maturity at Around 18 months and females can have Their first cub at two years of age in Winter the red panda looks for a partner To copulate and both males and females Can mate with different specimens in Order to guarantee copulation and Subsequent fertilization once mating is Successful the female begins the Gestation period which usually lasts From 112 to 158 days The young are born blind and weigh Between 110 and 130 grams Although newborns begin to leave the Nest at only 90 days it’s not until they Are six months of age they become Completely independent is the red panda Endangered The red panda is one of the most Endangered animals in the world the main Threats to the species are the Destruction and fragmentation of their Habitat hunting for their pelt and the Illegal trade of individuals to sell as Pets climate change natural disasters And forest fires also significantly Alter their habitat discover another Mammal with significant threats to their Future with our related video on polar Bears there’s not enough data to Indicate an exact figure but it is Suspected that there are between as few

2 500 and 10 000 individuals remaining This should be as alarming as it is said If you want to continue learning about Wild animals don’t miss the playlist we Share here Tell us your thoughts on the future of The red panda and we’ll see you next Time [Music] You

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