Top 10 LONGEST LIVING Dog Breeds 🐶

Today at AnimalWised, we bring you the dog breeds with the highest average life expectancy in this video on the Top 10 Longest Living Dog Breeds. No dog has a guarantee on how long they live, but some breeds generally live longer than others due to a range of factors, something we show in our list.


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[Music] Our greatest wish is for our dogs to Accompany us our entire lives it’s Normal we ask which breeds have the Longest life expectancy before we adopt A dog into our family although it is Important to remember mixed breed dogs Generally live longer than purebred Animals animal wise helps eliminate with The top 10 longest living dog breeds [Music] Chihuahua in addition to being one of The smallest dog breeds in the world the Chihuahua is also one of the longest Living their life expectancy is between 15 and 18 years but some can live up to 20 in fact we personally know a Chihuahua which has just turned 21 Hopefully staying with us for years to Come chihuahuas are very sensitive to Cold and sudden climactic changes so They are better suited to temperate Climates for this reason if you have a Chihuahua we recommend putting a coat on When it’s cold [Music] Chiba Inoue the life expectancy of the Shiba Inu raises some controversy among Specialists according to some experts Their average life expectancy is 15 Years but others claim they are just as Likely to live 18 years or more the Latter can be accomplished if they Receive the right care and they have

Good fortune on their side border collie The border collie is considered the World’s smartest dog and they stand out For enjoying excellent health and Physical resilience our life expectancy Is between 14 and 17 years and lose some Diseases such as hip dysplasia epilepsy Or Kali I anomaly are relatively Prevalent rat terrier the Rat Terrier is A dog relatively unknown outside its Native America in fact they are not a Breed recognized by the FCI Although they are by the American Kennel Club they are dog which stands out for Having excellent health with a Relatively low predisposition towards Hereditary disease the life expectancy Is usually between 15 and 16 years but Some may live up to 18 with a proper Care – and the – and also known as a wiener Dog is one of the most popular and Longest lived German dog breeds these Playful intrepid and somewhat vociferous Dogs can live between 13 and 17 years as Long as they receive the appropriate Care to promote their health and Well-being before continuing with the Video don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel to stay up to date with Everything we share about dog breeds Veterinary advice and much more you can Also find us on our website toy poodle The toy poodle is one of the longest

Living dogs and also one of the most Popular miniature breeds in the world They usually live for about 15 years but Many of them reach the age of 17 or 18 When they receive adequate preventive Medicine balanced nutrition and the Right care from their families Hammering the Pomeranian also stands out For being one of the longest living dog Breeds their life expectancy is between 12 and 15 years but some may live longer In the correct circumstances to do this They will need to protect themselves From new temperatures and have a Complete and balanced diet adequate Physical and mental stimulation and Essential preventive care to protect Their health Jack Russell terrier the Jack Russell Terrier is a brave dog with a strong Personality in addition to the Temperamental hyperactive and bold Character the Jack Russell Terrier is Also characterized by having a Privileged life expectancy these furry Animals can live about 16 years in Favorable conditions Boykin Spaniel the Boykin Spaniel is a beautiful and Little-known representative of the Extensive grip of spaniel dogs this dog Breed of American origin was developed In the early 20th century in South Carolina these dogs can live a long time With her human companions since her

Estimated life expectancy is 14 to 16 Years Lagotto romagnolo this medium-sized Italian wooly coated water dog is native To the Romanian region in addition to Their beauty and predisposition to Learning lagotto romagnolo dogs also Stand out for their privileged life Expectancy often living between 14 and 17 years they are a strong and resistant Dog that when they receive the adequate Care and environment are hardly ever ill Although these are the longest living Dog breeds the life expectancy of a dog Will also depend on the Carry provide we Must ensure that they live in a positive Environment receive complete nutrition Perform sufficient physical activity Have a well stimulated mind needs Adequate preventive medicine along with The affection of their family any dog Whether purebred or not kind of Companyís for many years in case you’re Interested here and in the description We leave you another top ten this time Of the Camus dog breeds how old is your Dog why not share with us in the Comments also let us know their breed And any other fun facts about them don’t Forget to leave us a like if you enjoyed The video and we’ll see you next [Music] You

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