What is CATNIP and How Does it Work? – Effects and Benefits

Are you still unsure what catnip does to cats? Known by its botanical name ’Nepeta cataria’, many claim catnip is essentially a drug for cats. As long as we don’t abuse it, catnip is an excellent stimulant for our best friend. Do you want to know more about catnip for cats? If so, keep watching with AnimalWised for our video on ’What is CATNIP and How Does it Work? – Effects and Benefits’. 🍃🐱 If you want to know even more, you can check out the original article here 👉

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[Music] Domestic cats do not completely lose Their hunting instinct as seen by their Exploratory independent and adventurous Nature This can cause worry for cat Guardians Who are concerned about many potential Hazards such as toxic plants for cats One plant guardians may have heard of But don’t know much about is catnip far From being toxic it’s a plant which can Cause interesting and varied behaviors And cats if you want to know more about This plant stick with animal wise and Will tell you all you need to know about The effects and benefits of catnip [Music] Catnip is known by its botanical name Nepeta cataria with other common names Being cat mint cat basil or cat’s wart It’s a plant with an similar appearance To mint or lemon balm its leaves are Green with two thirds and it can measure Between 20 and 60 centimeters while it Is native to Europe it also grows wild In North America and West Asia catnip is Rich in essential oils orals which seven Out of ten cats will react to by showing An unusually strong interest we can First observe the cat approaching the Plant rubbing against it licking or Emitting signs similar to when they are In heat it may not end there some cats Start to jump or run around excitedly

They may rule around on the floor or try To hunt imaginary mice without diet this Plant can elicit a narcotic effect which Seduces many cats but why does this Reaction occur the narcotic effect is Due to the active substance called Nepetalactone which binds to cells with A function of stimulating sensory Neurons the reaction the cat experiences Is due to this substance causing an Overstimulation of these cells in Addition to narcotic effects catnip can Induce behavior similar to feline Courtship and mating for cats not Susceptible to catnip valerian root or Silver vine might have a similar effect Due to its properties Catnip provides various benefits to your Cat it encourages play and movement Makes it easier for them to stay active Stimulates cognition thanks to increased Play for this reason it should not Surprise is that numerous toys or Scratchers have added catnip nowadays it Can also be found in aerosol cans and Sprays alloy in the cat to react to Concentrated nepetalactone this is an Immediate reward which can be used for Positive reinforcement Catnip is not toxic to cats and is not Addictive there is no problem with Moderate exposure to this plant however We need to stress the word moderate a Cat continually exposed to their Kotik

Effect of catnip can be dangerous as it Is possible they will develop aggressive Behaviors similarly excessive exposure Can endanger the animals health if there Are open windows or terraces catnip can Help our cat manage and they generally Love it but we need to emphasize Moderation and supervision now you know Everything about catnip have you tried It with your cat tell us about your Experiences in the comments like if you Enjoyed the video subscribe to keep up To date and we’ll see you next time [Music]

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