Why Does My CAT BURY Their POOP? πŸ±πŸ’© Does Your Cat Do This?

🐈 Cats have many unique and interesting behaviors, something which even applies to their bathroom habits. If you wonder why your cat buries their poop, it is a fair question. AnimalWised reveal the answers in this video which explains how this relates to instinctive behavior, why some cats cover their poop and others don’t, as well as why a cat may bury their poop all of a sudden.


Can Two CATS SHARE the SAME LITTER? 🐱🐱 Litter Box Guide πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/FukDz4UQZ3g
BASIC CARE of a CAT’s LITTER BOX 🐱 (Types of Litter and Cleaning) πŸ‘‰ https://youtu.be/KhOzvE55FUo

Original article πŸ‘‰ https://www.animalwised.com/why-do-cats-bury-their-feces-102.html

It doesn’t happen with all felines but You may have seen your cat start to bury Their poop in this animal-wise video we Explain why some cats do this and others Don’t [Music] Why do cats bury their poop One of the main forms of cat Communication is through scent felines Emit a series of pheromones to transmit Specific messages among the most common Are those involved in territorial Marking something they can leave through Urine and feces Other cats and animals can smell the Pheromones contained in their waist and Obtain information For this reason cats bury their feces For the basic need to hide the smell and Cover their tracks it’s not to do with Hygiene but as a means to prevent Predators and rival cats from knowing Where they are located Regardless of whether there are other Animals around burying their poop in This way is an instinctive Behavior by Covering their feces to considerably Reduce the smell cats may also want to Convey to others who pass through their Territory that they are not a threat in This way it can be a sign of submission Why doesn’t my cat cover their poop Unlike cats that do cover their stool Cats that do not bury their feces want

To make it clear that this territory is Their property they may even do it in High places such as beds or Ledges so The smell is better able to spread and They send a clear and effective message In any case if a cat doesn’t use a Litter box we need to address this Problem it could be illness in the part Of the cat but it may also be due to Poor hygiene on our part in some Multi-cat households one of them may be Clearly more dominant and its submissive Cat may not bury it because they are Scared of an altercation wanting to get In and out of the litter box as soon as Possible On the contrary the dominant cat may not Bury it so they can relay a message About their hierarchical standing this Is one reason why it’s important to have More than one litter box Learn just how many litter boxes each Cat should have in the first info video On the card above Kittens that have been adopted very Early will not have spent as much time As they should with their mother this Means they may not have learned from her To bury their poop you can teach them to Do so by accompanying them when they Need to go and showing them what to do Why did my cat cover their stools before And no it doesn’t Although the above cases are the most

Common it’s possible for a cat that was Burying their poop to stop doing so Suddenly when this situation occurs the Litter box is most likely dirty and the Cat feels uncomfortable it’s even Possible they will relieve themselves Outside the litter box for this reason It’s important to carry out a strict Control of the litter box in order to Keep it very clean discover the care of A cat’s litter box in the next info Video we share if you have recently Changed the cat’s litter box and they Have not been covering their feces since It’s possibly they do not like the new Litter Cat litter should be chosen based on the Animal’s preference not our own if you Want to continue learning about feline Behavior don’t miss the playlist We Share here does your cat have any Bathroom habits you don’t quite Understand let us know your thoughts in The comments and we’ll see you next time For more helpful animal videos

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