Why Does My Cat SUNBATHE? ๐Ÿ˜ปโ˜€๏ธ (3 Benefits of Sunlight)

๐Ÿˆ Does your cat love to lie down in any corner of the home where there is some sun? In this video from AnimalWised, we explain why cats like to sunbathe and what benefits it brings them.


Why do cats sleep in high places? – 5 REASONS ๐Ÿ‘‰
Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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If you’re watching this video it is Likely your cat has a habit of lying Down anywhere the sun’s rays may fall You maybe wonder why an animal which Can’t tan loves to sunbathe so much At animal wise we explain not only why They enjoy the sun But provide three benefits of sunlight For their well-being [Music] Balances their body temperature cats are Domestic animals If they were in the wild they would Sleep during the day and hunt prey at Night Even those which live in the home spend Much of the day sleeping This is usually done somewhere warm Especially in the sun’s rays This is because their body temperature Decreases when they are sleeping in the Same way as all mammals When they are still and relaxed their Body does not burn any energy and Reduces their caloric expenditure To compensate for this difference in Temperature they prefer to sleep in warm Areas Often aided by the sun’s rays [Music] It is a source of vitamin d the sun is a Great source of vitamin d for cats Although it does not provide as much as They need one of the main reasons is

That a cat’s coat blocks uv Rays which are responsible for the Infusion of this vitamin For this reason they cannot synthesize Enough vitamin d from sun alone More important is for the cat to have Proper nutrition For this and many other reasons it is Imperative to provide a proper balanced Diet appropriate for their age and Health status For pure pleasure there’s nothing that Kittens like more than to lie down Somewhere warm and comfortable and have A solid nap Cats don’t just like the sun’s rays but The heat which they provide Did you know that cats are able to Withstand temperatures of up to 50 Degrees celsius And adapt to all kinds of climates it’s No wonder they like to sunbathe Is the sun good for cats yes but in Moderation Despite the fact it has been shown cats Can live without the sun Our furry ones will be much happier if They can enjoy a nap in warm areas of The home However it is necessary to monitor and Ensure that our kitten does not take it In Excess especially in summer doing so Could lead to problems such as heat

Stroke or sunburn Especially in hairless cats or lows with A thin coat You may have noticed that your cat not Only likes to sleep in the sun but also Often does so in high places Find out why in the video that we share Here Does your cat like to sunbathe let us Know all about it in the comments And we’ll see you next time You

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