Why Does My DOG FOLLOW Me Everywhere? ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿพ (5 Reasons)

๐Ÿ• Does your dog follow you everywhere and you want to know why? In this AnimalWised video, we explain the 5 reasons why your dog follows you everywhere in the house. Find out why your furry friend accompanies you everywhere and see when it might signal a problem.


How to UNDERSTAND Your DOG ๐Ÿถ What Are They Trying to Say? ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ‘‰
10 Things Your Dog is Trying to Tell You ๐Ÿ‘‰

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If it’s our first time adopting a dog we Can quickly realize the animal won’t Stop following us wherever we go in this Animal-wise video we’re going to explain Five reasons this happens most of which Are beneficial for the dog but we also Explain when it can be a problem [Music] The dog is a social animal Dogs are characterized by being very Sociable animals a trait that has also Been enhanced during their domestication And breeding for this reason it’s not Surprising they constantly seek our Attention and affection even more than Towards other members of the same Species Check out the first info video to learn More about canine language so you can Understand your dog perfectly You are their reference figure Dogs see in us a figure of reference for Purposes of security especially in Places they don’t know well it’s Completely normal for them to follow us This both avoids them getting lost and Provides reassurance that their guardian Is by their side having this feeling of Security directly influences their Well-being They want to know what you do Once inside the home the dog also Follows us to see what activities we do This is a way to enrich their day-to-day

And avoid monotony it’s also possible They follow us to make sure they can Pick up some crumbs that we have dropped In the kitchen or to simply try to Participate in what we’re doing You are their caregiver dogs tend to Follow those who provide them the most Comfort or with whom they share the Strongest bonds it’s necessary to add That a dog will not only follow an owner For their material needs they can Provide but also due to the love Affection and companionship we provide Them Discover 10 things your dog is trying to Tell you in the next info video we share [Music] Separation anxiety There is another factor that influences This behavior and that is very important We address separation anxiety if left Untreated separation anxiety creates an Insecure distressful and fearful Personality in your dog which can lead To other behavioral problems other Symptoms that you can observe in your Dog are the following when you’re away From home they become destructive bark And may even urinate or defecate inside They greet you in an exaggerated way and Get depressed when they know you’re Leaving they have insecure skittish and Dependent behaviors they are unable to Be alone or manage their loneliness

Properly Separation anxiety is a serious behavior Problem that affects many dogs it’s Important to go to a professional to Correctly diagnose the problem And provide the appropriate guidelines To solve it For this you can consult a trainer a Canine educator or a veterinarian Specialised in anthology If you want to continue learning Curiosities about dogs don’t miss the Playlist we share here does your dog Follow you around everywhere let us know In the comments and we’ll see you next Time [Music] You

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