10 Common Mistakes When Walking Your Dog

These 10 common mistakes when walking your dog help show us that we often don’t pay as much attention as we should to the needs of our pets. While we are able to get many benefits from the walk ourselves, it is imperative we remember that the walk is there to ensure the happiness, healthiness and well-being of our canine friend. Keeping an eye on their interactions with other dogs, people and their environment means we can ensure this is the case. However, keeping our own behavior in check is also very important. Keep watching AnimalWised to find out more and check out this related article for even more:

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Going for walks is fundamental in a Dog’s daily routine walking offers many Benefits such as the possibility of Socializing being mentally stimulated And of course exercise while Well-intentioned many dog Guardians are Ignorant to mistakes made during walks Which can directly affect the dog do you Want to learn how to avoid these Pitfalls in this new animal wise video Will explain 10 common mistakes dog Walkers need to avoid [Music] You It’s normal to be considerate of the Potential hazards in your dog’s Environment especially when sniffing Dirty parts of the ground however we Need to understand that this is normal And proper dog behavior when they smell Their environment they pick up Information such as the presence of Other animals a recently deposited food Which in turn helps them to feel more Secure when in an unfamiliar place Equally if your dog is prohibited from Smelling their environment it can lead To stress and anxiety you can help them To smell their environment by practicing Tracking techniques and obedience Training it’s all too common to see dog Walkers yanking their dog leashes but This does not teach your dog to walk Properly in fact it can cause serious

Damage to the animal especially when Excessive force is used or a choking Collar is used in some countries such as Spain private citizens are banned from Doing this practice if your dog pulls Too much then by an anti pull harness And teach obedient through appropriate Training sessions although you intend to Give a punishment associated with the Dog’s behavior it’s more likely your Canine will associate the punishment With the mere presence of other dogs This can aggravate the behavior even More in these cases it’s advisable to Perform the appropriate training Measures during the quietest hours of The day avoid other dogs until you can Introduce them gradually ideally you Should go to a dog trainer or canine Ethologist to start the sessions and Begin behavior modification exercises With the exception of some specific Cases of aggressiveness it’s important To let our dog interact with others even Dogs which greatly differ in size can Interact if they’re socialized well you Can go to a dog park or find someone you Know nearby with a dog to walk together Three regular and positive socialization You can help avoid behavioral problems Down the line each dog has unique and Specific needs in terms of walking more Nervous dogs will be more time all the Ones may need shorter trips and those

With breathing issues shouldn’t walk When it’s too hot Generally a dogs walk should last Between 20 and 30 minutes and should be Repeated two or three times a day strive To offer quality walks and you’ll see How well it improves their well-being Although this behavior may indicate Excitement and joy for the walk it also Shows us that the dog is upset and Somewhat stressed also the straps often Have metallic elements which can damage Their teeth for these reasons if your Doe Nibbles on the leash the best thing you Can do is carry a tether or other toy to Distract them this point is especially Important for dogs which are afraid of Cars and people or have generalized Anxiety as they may try to escape a Stressful situation and unfortunately it Can become lost even for stable or Well-trained dogs Mistakes can happen ID tags and ideally Microchips are the best way to help us Recover lost dogs quickly it’s very Important that from time to time we vary The route we take for walks this way our Dog can feel stimulated and does not get Bored with the same environment forested Environments beaches or places lots of Places to climb and play are ideal if Not simply going down different streets Can also be very helpful many dog

Ethologist s– and educators agree that Five minutes a day of freedom from the Leash offers our dog extra stimulation And well-being this can allow them to Better explore their environment and has A positive experience for the dog if our Dog does not respond well to training It’s advisable to go to a fenced off Area to finish our list we want to Remind you how important it is to be Attentive to our companion during the Whole trip it is essential that we look After them in case they want to eat Something they shouldn’t or go somewhere Dangerous but we also need to simply pay Attention so we know what they do and Don’t like going for a walk is Beneficial to you but it is the dog who Needs the specific benefits make each Trip a happy and positive one now you Know ten mistakes to avoid while walking Your dog are there any more you’d like To add if so leave us a comment below Like and subscribe for more helpful pet Care videos and we’ll see you next time You

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