🌊 Do you want to know some FUN FACTS about PENGUINS? In this AnimalWised video we explain 10 FACTS about PENGUINS that may surprise you. Find out if penguins fly, if they are monogamous, good swimmers and other features and curious facts about this endangered animal.



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If you think you know the penguin see How many of these penguin facts from Animal wise surprise you [Music] They are flightless birds The fossil record has made it possible To know a little about the Penguin's Ancestors some 30 million years ago they Began to hunt underwater this likely Started an evolutionary process which Led to atrophy of the wing joints which Are shaped like fins they only live in The south of the planet The natural habitat of all penguin Species can be found on the south of our Planet some live in Antarctica some live In more tempered Southern areas while Only one species lives near the equator The Galapagos penguin these birds are Found in countries such as Argentina Australia Chile New Zealand South Africa Namibia and some remote islands of the Southern Hemisphere they are not Sexually dimorphic this means there are No easily observable differences between Males and females they tend to be Similar in terms of coloration Presenting bluish black plumage on the Dorsal side and white on the belly many Species have some much brighter plumage On the head these colors provide better Camouflage against predators when they Are swimming Predators find it difficult To distinguish the white belly when

Looking up to the illuminated surface And the reverse occurs when looking down Into darker Waters They are monogamous penguins mate for Life during the reproductive season Penguins maintain stable pairs so they Do not have contact with other Individuals this doesn't apply to all Types of birds in some cases pairs May Reform for several consecutive years and Even use the same nesting site See the results of such mating behaviors With the video we share above of a chin Strap penguin hatching they are Excellent parents Penguins share the incubation of the Eggs and the subsequent protection and Feeding of their chicks we can highlight The example of the emperor penguin where The male spends more time incubating Than the female They also feed the newborns while the Mother eats more than most they are Birds that spend a lot of time caring For their children There is an international penguin day Of the 18 species of penguin 13 are Included in categories of animals either Vulnerable to or in more direct danger Of extinction For this reason certain strategies have Been created to promote their Conservation one such initiative is the Declaration of April 25th as

International penguin day as well as January 20th as penguin awareness day They live in large colonies Penguins are social birds that form Large colonies in which they share Nesting spaces some colonies can become Incredibly numerous this is the case With the macaroni penguin where breeding Colonies have been estimated up to 100 000 individuals the group activities not Only include sharing spaces and Interacting with each other but in some Cases they also hunt in groups they are Carnivorous Birds their diet is based Mainly on the consumption of other Animals they are also excellent Marine Predators these birds consume fish such As anchovies sardines and cod among Others they also eat squid cuttlefish Krill jellyfish larvae and eggs their Body has adapted to being underwater Penguin plumage increases in density During their evolution allowing them to Be practically impermeable as water Cannot penetrate their blood can also Store greater amounts of oxygen than Other birds thanks to changes in their Hemoglobin this allows them to die for Several minutes at a time their heart Rate is lower optimizing bodily Functions and oxygen consumption Underwater the excess salt they consume By swallowing salt water while feeding Submerged is compensated thanks to

Specialized glands which help to excrete This mineral they are very good swimmers Thanks to the previously described Adaptations penguins have developed a Body that allows them to be excellent Swimmers unlike their Mobility on land Once they are submerged they can be Propelled with great speed in certain Circumstances this can reach 15 miles or 25 kilometers per hour they can also Dive to depths of up to 500 meters If you want to continue learning about Other wild animals don't miss the Playlist We Share here Have any of these penguin facts Surprised you let us know about it by Sharing a comment below and we'll see You next time [Music]

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