HOW LONG DO CATS LIVE? 🐱 (Life Expectancy of Domestic and Feral Cats)

🐈 Do you want to how long cats live? In this AnimalWised video, we will discover the average life expectancy of both domestic and feral cats, as well as some tips and tricks to help extend the life of our felines. Adopting in an animal means taking responsibility for their needs and well-being. For this reason, we need to have an idea of the length of time they may stay with our family. If we cannot look after them for the duration of their life expectancy, we cannot meet this responsibility.


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How Often Should a CAT EAT? 🐱 (Newborns, Kittens and Adults) πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

Knowing a cat’s life expectancy can help Us know what we might expect when we Adopt one into our family animal wise Helps by asking for how long do domestic And feral cats live How long does a domestic cat live there Are different factors which can Dramatically increase or decrease a Cat’s life expectancy the first is the Type of food they receive a healthy and Balanced diet adapted to the cat’s Individual needs will positively Influence their longevity another factor Is possible exposure to poisoning Infection or illness we also need to Consider their safety in the home cats Are curious animals by nature so we must Be especially careful with windows Landings or places that may pose danger To our animal In general we can estimate that a cat Lives between 15 and 20 years life Expectancy can vary depending on the Breed or whether they are a mixed breed Cat each breed will have a certain life Expectancy but these will vary greatly According to the individual mixed breed Cats generally tend to live longer than Purebred animals but much more important Is the level of care they receive and Whether they suffer from health problems Some cats can even exceed 20 years How many years does a feral cat live The life of a feral cat is highly

Conditioned by the weather of the area In which they live and whether or not They belong to a controlled cat colony Supervised by animal workers stray cats Usually live in colonies groups made up Of several cats located in a specific Territory usually close to sources of Food and water Find out about adopting cats in the First info video we share The life expectancy of a stray cat is Influenced by several factors some cats Live in extreme weather conditions with Temperatures that can drop below zero Degrees celsius feral cats commonly have Unstable food and water resources Exposing them to risk of dehydration and Starvation they are also more exposed to Parasites and infections unfortunately Almost 50 percent of feral cat kittens Die before their first year of life In these cases animal workers are Usually in charge of capturing neutering And deworming the members of a colony to Keep it controlled as citizens it’s Important not to feed cats outside the Areas delineated by authorities whether Or not it is within a controlled colony The life expectancy of a stray cat Usually ranges between three and six Years How to increase the longevity of a Domestic cat To help our adopted cat live a long and

Healthy life they need quality food Adapted to their nutritional needs to Understand these needs we should consult A vet especially when they get older as They may need a diet adapted for heart Disease or other issues we should limit The quantity to help avoid overfeeding And subsequent obesity a factor would Greatly influences life expectancy in Addition to dry feed we should also Offer portions of wet food which helps As a source of hydration it also helps Their general well-being as cats love This type of food Our second info video explains more About how much and how often cats should Eat We will also have to be attentive to the Health of our cat and go to the vet if We observe any symptoms of illness the Appearance of serious disease can be Avoided by vaccinating the cat and Restricting their outdoor access if we Want them to leave and enter the home Freely we should implant an id chip Finally we have to provide proper Hygiene for the cat’s accessories Including their bed feeders litter and Toys it’s also vital we refresh their Water regularly having a healthy and Clean environment also influences their Life expectancy likewise cats require Tension and affection from their Caregivers they need to be well

Socialized and be provided daily Physical and mental stimulation with Only 20 minutes a day of games and Exercise we will be able to have a Healthy animal with the best shot at a Long life If you want to continue learning about Caring for cats don’t miss the playlist We share here how old is your cat let us Know by sharing in the comments and We’ll see you next time

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