How to Know If Your HAMSTER is DYING ๐Ÿน (5 Symptoms)

๐ŸŒก๏ธ ๐Ÿน Do you think your hamster is sick? In this AnimalWised video, discover 5 symptoms that may mean that your hamster is not in good health and may be about to die. In addition, we explain what factors can cause an early death so that you avoid them to provide your hamster with a long and happy life.


How many years does a HAMSTER LIVE? ๐Ÿน Find out! ๐Ÿ‘‰
How to care for a hamster ๐Ÿ‘‰

Original article ๐Ÿ‘‰

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Nobody likes to think about the Possibility of losing a cherished Companion But it’s important to know how to detect Imbalances in the health of your hamster In this animal-wise video we explain Five symptoms that may mean your hamster Is about to die And what you can do to best ensure they Live a long and happy life Does not want to eat a lack of appetite Is one of the most common symptoms of Disease in hamsters A dying hamster will show no interest in Eating food or drinking water They are likely to experience rapid Weight loss as well as signs of Dehydration Does not move and is apathetic Inactivity and apathy can be symptoms of Both illness and stress in hamsters Unlike one suffering anxiety a dying Hamster is generally unable to move Or has great difficulty reacting to Stimuli in their environment Feel pain a sick hamster may show signs Of pain and discomfort Such as hypersensitivity and refusal to Be touched by their human companions [Music] Alterations in behavior the state of Pain and vulnerability can produce Behavioral alterations in the hamster For this reason they tend to be more

Fearful aggressive or nervous than usual Has altered vital signs when a hamster Is going to die Their vital signs are altered their Breathing will feel slow and shallow Their heart rate will be slower and Their body temperature will be lower Additionally the capillary filling time Will increase and the mucous membranes Will take more than two seconds to Recover their normal colour In the cases of poisoning or when they Are unable to get sufficient oxygen The mucous membranes may have a Permanent whitish or bluish colour Why do hamsters die the main reason a Hamster can die is as a result of the Natural aging process In the video that we share here you can Discover how many years a hamster is Expected to live However there are many common illnesses In hamsters that if not treated properly Can lead to an early death other factors Such as poor diet Poor hygiene and a lack of enriched Environment can also reduce their life Expectancy Furthermore hamsters are highly Predisposed to developing symptoms of Stress In the wild these animals must be Constantly alert to their environment to Detect any possible threat and have time

To react This is why a negative environment with A lot of noise or excess stimuli Usually harms their health also a sudden Climate change can cause hypothermia or Heat stroke that can end in sudden death For all these reasons we advise you to Place their cage in an appropriate place It is important that you avoid leaving It exposed to the elements drafts direct Sunlight or other environmental harm If any strange symptoms or behavior Appear don’t hesitate to take your hands Into the veterinary clinic so that a Professional can determine the problem If you want your hamster to live as many Years as possible you should offer them A cam environment Balanced nutrition an enriched cage to Lead an active life Time out of the cage so they can enjoy Your company and consult with a Professional when you detect any Imbalance in their health Discover in the video that we share here A guide to the care your hamster will Need throughout their lives How old is your hamster any tips you’d Like to share If so leave a comment below and we’ll See you next time You

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