How to START the BARF DIET for Your DOG πŸ₯©βœ… (3 Ways)

🐢 Do you want to start the BARF DIET with your DOG? As with any dietary change for your canine, you should speak to your veterinarian first. AnimalWised helps you know what to expect by showing your 3 ways to START a BARF DIET for YOUR DOG.

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Any major dietary changes require a Consultation with a veterinarian but Many Guardians are considering raw food Diets for their dogs Animal wise shows you three ways to Start a barf diet for dogs Fasting This form involves leaving the animal Without food for 24 hours and then Starting with the full 100 barf diet This option may work well for some Animals but for those who find it Difficult to fast it's not usually Recommended generally speaking it's not The best option since dietary changes Should be made gradually Mixed diet this requires maintaining a Regular dog food intake alongside a barf Intake it is important you never mix the Two feeds in the same portion they Should be provided separately and at Least eight hours apart we will make This transition by taking the total Amount of feed our animal would receive In a day and divide it in half Calculate the total bar fraction and do The same We can feed them one of these rations in The morning and the other at night this Option can go well but our animal's Digestive system may become a little Upset some animals don't fare well Because they require very different Diets this option is not recommended for

Animals that have adverse reactions to Food Soft diet this is the most recommended Option it requires making a transition With a soft diet this consists of Introducing the new foods little by Little to see how our dog feels and Whether a negative reaction occurs in This way it'll be much easier to Eliminate any food from their diet this Transition lasts about three weeks until They eat a hundred percent barf diet you Should start the first four or five days With a soft diet consisting of meat Chicken or turkey these are the easiest To digest add a vegetable such as Pumpkin or carrot as they are able to Help support gastrointestinal function The ratio should be 75 meat and 25 Vegetable We're going to incrementally introduce Small portions of the barf diet for Example from day 5 to day 10 we can Introduce bones then add a little amount Of viscera and do so progressively until At the end of the month we provide a Full barf diet you can crush the bones In a food processor to make them Suitable for canine consumption but this Requires a sufficiently strong processor To do so for anyone considering a barf Or raw food diet for dogs it's vitally Speak to your veterinarian first some Dogs can fare well While others can have

A seriously negative effect on their Nutrition ask your vet after an Assessment and work out the best course Of action for your dog let us know if You've switched to a barf diet and how Your dog took to the changes we'll see You next time [Music]

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