My DOG Keeps SCRATCHING the DOOR πŸšͺπŸ• (Why & What to Do)

🐢🐾 Does your dog scratch the front door and you’re not sure why? In this AnimalWised video, we explain the 4 main reasons why a dog keeps scratching at doors, as well as what you can do to stop this behavior.


Separation ANXIETY in DOGS – Symptoms and Treatment πŸ‘‰
10 Common BEHAVIORAL Problems in DOGS πŸ‘‰

Original article πŸ‘‰

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Thousands of years sharing our lives With dogs have taught us they express Their emotions and needs in very Different ways although sometimes Strange annoying or even destructive Their behaviors always have some meaning In this animal-wised video we are going To show you some of the most frequent Reasons why a dog keeps scratching at The door as well as what you can do to Avoid it [Music] Physical health problems When working out why a dog scratches the Door the first thing we need to do is Determine whether they suffer any pain Or pathology This is especially the case if it Appears suddenly Many health problems elicit behavioral Changes in dogs often due to discomfort It’s always best to take the dog to a Veterinarian to rule out if a medical Reason is causing them upset Separation anxiety If you’ve noticed your dog scratches at The door when you leave it could be due To separation anxiety you may see Scratches on the door when you arrive Home or even hear scratching noises when You leave the room this anxiety can lead To high levels of stress and discomfort Scratching is one of many behaviors they May use to try to alleviate this

Discomfort barking or harleen loudly Urinating where they shouldn’t panting Excessively or wandering in circles are Some others all these behaviors are Involuntary reactions so we shouldn’t Punish the dog for them in case you may Suspect your dog of suffering from Separation anxiety it’s highly Recommended to leave a camera in the Home when they are left alone the Subsequent recordings provide a wealth Of information both for yourself and for Professionals they allow us to know if Our dog is having a bad time and Separated from us and also helps us to Establish the best ways to help relieve The dog of their anxiety this can be a Tricky process so it’s best to have the Help of a dog trainer orthologist we Share a video above where we explain More about separation anxiety in dogs Learn behavior Dogs mainly learn by association when Certain behaviors elicit specific Responses they will use them in the Future to get what they want have you Ever opened a door for your dog after They scratched at it if so they may have Learned that scratching the door gets Your attention or permits them access to Whatever area they wish to enter this Behavior is often easier to prevent we Need to stop reinforcing the behavior so They will learn to stop it themselves if

The dog scratches the door when they Want to go outside we simply have to Ignore them so they know this action Will not work as a request we need to Wait until they perform a more Appropriate action such as sitting Quietly by the door and then opening it Discover the most common behavioral Problems in dogs in the video we share Above Stress or lack of stimulation Every dog needs their basic needs Covered this doesn’t simply mean eating Sleeping and going outside to relieve Themselves depending on their age breed State of health and temperament each dog Will need a certain amount of physical Mental and social stimulation to release Energy and improve their well-being If any of your dog’s needs are not Properly covered they can feel Frustrated and experience episodes of Stress which can lead to compulsive or Stereotype behavior it’s essential we Offer them enough daily activity to Avoid stress and release accumulated Energy in an appropriate manner taking Them for exercise allowing them to Explore new environments providing Training sessions encouraging Socialization and using accessories such As toys and intelligence games will help The dog to become more relaxed once back In the home will also improve their

Overall quality of life and help Strengthen your bond together [Music] Find out more about behavioral problems And dogs in the playlist we share here Tell us if your dog scratches at the Door by leaving a comment and we’ll see You next time [Music]

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