NOSE WORK Dog Training Games 🐶 The Shell Game

In this new video from AnimalWised, we will show you a very simple game to play with your dog at home. It uses everyday objects that you can find easily at home. This is a type of ‘nose work’ game which uses the dog’s very strong sense of smell to strengthen their intelligence. The shell game is a classic misdirection game which the dog can learn easily with this nose work tutorial for dogs.

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Hello and welcome to this new video from Animal wise today we explain a mental Stimulation game for dogs using their Sense of smell known as the shell game a Fun way to enrich a dog’s daily life [Music] To start we look for three identical Containers we have chosen these but you Can use yogurt pots or something similar At hand at the beginning who recommend You make a few small holes in the Container to help the dog smell what’s Inside after they get used to the game This shouldn’t be necessary the first Time a dog plays this game choose a Prize which has a strong aroma to make It easier to find additionally using a Treat they enjoy is a better way to Reinforce learning during the game we Are using pieces of unsalted sausage but Eventually we should be able to get the Same results with normal treats they eat On a regular basis the basic idea is to Put the treat under one of the Containers and move it around we will Then call it the word search to indicate The dog needs to look for the hidden Prize remember that the dog may be a Little confused at first keep motivating Them and deployed indicating where the Treat is yourself the ideal situation is That moving your hand over the Containers they will know to look for it After a few repetitions the dog should

Grasp the principles of the game then Will be able to move on to other tasks Such as discrimination this is when we Choose a different container than the Others both in color and shading we Always hide the treat under this one so The dog learns to discriminate between Different types of objects here are some Knows where except games you can use With your dog to help stimulate their Intelligence and cognition there are Lots of ways to get creative so if you Have any news where it games you’d like To share please do so in the comments Give us a like if you found this video Useful and don’t forget to subscribe to Stay up to date with everything we share You we’ll see you next time [Music]

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