SHETLAND SHEEPDOG 🐢🐾 (Sheltie Characteristics and Care)

πŸ• Are you thinking of adopting a Shetland Sheepdog? In this AnimalWised video we explain everything you need to know about the Sheltie. Discover their origins, characteristics, character and much more! In addition, we explain what care and education you should provide body puppy and adult Shetland Sheepdogs.


4 Types of COLLIE DOG BREEDS πŸ• Do You Know Them All? πŸ‘‰
How to Introduce Two Dogs 🐢 Meeting for the First Time πŸ‘‰

Shetland Sheepdog breed file πŸ‘‰

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[Music] If you’re thinking of adopting a shelty This animal-wise video explains Everything you need to know about this Breed of dog discover their origins Characteristics education and much more [Music] Although their exact origin is uncertain The shetland sheepdog was first Recognized on the scottish islands that Bear their name although the breed was Officially recognized in 1908 the first Record suggests they were around in 1800 The shelty arose from the crossing of Several collie type dogs although not as Close as they look we can say the shelty And rough collie have similar ancestry The shelty was used to guide and protect Dwarf breeds of sheep ponies and even Chickens discover more about the Different types of collie breeds in the Info video Regarding their characteristics the body Of the shetland sheepdog is a little Longer than it is tall although well Proportioned They have a deep chest with strong Muscular legs their head is very similar To a rough collie in that it is refined And elegant their nose is black and they Have an elongated snout their eyes are Set obliquely are almond shaped and most Are dark colored the exception are merle Coated shelties which have one or both

Eyes light blue in colour their ears are Small long and broad at the base the Shetland sheepdog has thick double Coated fur the outer coat being long Rough and smooth and the outer coat soft Short and dense accepted colours are Sable tri-colour merle black and white And black and tan the ideal height at The withers is about 15 inches for both Males and females they usually weigh Around 8 kilograms Shelties are good-natured dogs loyal Intelligent and very affectionate with Their human family however they tend to Be rather shy around strangers and have Strong hurting instincts that can cause Some conflict if they haven’t received The proper education Proper socialization is very important From an early age in the info video we Share how to introduce two dogs for the First time A sheltie’s coat needs brushed once or Twice a week minimum despite being Long-haired their coat doesn’t tangle as Easily as some other breeds although They are small dogs the shetland Sheepdog needs sufficient physical and Mental stimulation sufficient daily Walks and play sessions may be enough But canine sports are encouraged mental Stimulation including intelligence games Are vital to avoid possible stress Boredom or anxiety chelties can live in

Apartments as long as they receive the Necessary care we also need to remember They can cope better than some in Temperate to cold climates they Shouldn’t be left alone outside for long Periods as they need to be in the Company of their families in terms of Education shelties are very intelligent Dogs and learn easily and quickly Always use positive reinforcement when Training Common behavioral problems include those Related to hurting instinct this can be Seen in their tendency to bark at minor Stimuli as well as trying to hurt people Sometimes by nipping at their ankles These behaviors need to be redirected Into non-intrusive behaviors or harmless Play sessions the shetland sheepdog is Predisposed to a number of inherited Diseases these include dermatomyositis Coli anomaly progressive retinal atrophy Cataracts hemophilia patellar luxation Deafness epilepsy and hip dysplasia to Avoid the development of any health Problems and to detect issues early it’s Vital we take the dog for periodic Checkups as well as closely follow their Deworming and vaccination schedules Check out the playlist we share here to Learn more about different dog breeds And their characteristics let us know About your experiences with shelties by Leaving us a comment below and we’ll see

You next time [Music] You

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