TIBETAN MASTIFF – The Fluffy Protector

Welcome to this AnimalWised video where today we bring you everything you need to know about the ’TIBETAN MASTIFF – The Fluffy Protector’. This large dog breed is one of the most ancient dogs, with their popularity growing in recent years. We share everything you need to know about this dog breed’s characteristics, care, history and much more. Don’t forget to comment with your own experiences of the Tibetan Mastiff.

Tibetan Mastiff breed file 👉

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Hello and welcome to this new animal Wise video today we are looking at the Tibetan Mastiff the Tibetan Mastiff is Also known as the dokie eye although Some breeders also differentiate another Type known as its Sangha they are one of The oldest oriental breeds and were First mentioned in history by Aristotle Who laid between three at 4 and 3 to 2 BC their working dogs formerly used by Nomadic Himalayan shepherds as well as Protectors of Tibetan monasteries when Tibet was invaded by China in the 1950s These dogs practically disappeared Unfortunately some of these dogs were Later found in India and Nepal being Used to bring the breed back evidence Suggests that the Tibetan Mastiff is Related to certain mutton dogs such as The Bernese and the Great Pyrenees their Characteristic bark is unique and they Are a highly valued breed The Tibetan Mastiff stands out for being Strong and powerful large in size very Robust and imposing their breed Steiner Describes him as being solemn and Serious in appearance with a majestic Strength their coat can be with or Without markings and colors include Blueish grey various shades of red solid Black or black and tan white stars in The chest and some white feet markings Are accepted this breed has a minimum Height of 61 centimeters in females and

66 centimeters in males with no real Maximum height the Tibetan Mastiff is an Independent dog but very loyal and Protective of the family to which they Belong although they are not overly Attached they enjoy the presence of Family and will not hesitate to protect Them on the other hand they are often Distrustful of strangers they usually Get along with other dogs animals Especially other large dogs but this is Of course dependent on proper Socialization Wendler this dog has a Tendency to bark due to their history as Guard dogs and they are not recommended For first-time owners [Music] The Tibetan Mastiffs requires regular Coat care they need brush two or three Times a week except during shedding Season when daily brushing is Recommended although they can live in an Apartment if it is large enough it’s Much better for them to have access to a Garden whether living in an apartment or House regular an extensive walks are Essential This breed adapts very well to cold and Temperate climates however they are not Usually comfortable in hot humid or Tropical climates we need to bear in Mind this large breed size means they Need larger accessories and the daily Food requirements means their care needs

Can be expensive as we have commented on Previously this dog needs a responsible Owner experienced in handling and Training large dogs an inexperienced Owner will require time with a canine Educator or trainer even before adoption It’s essential to begin their Socialization early as a puppy Especially with bite inhibition and Obedience exercises even puppies will Soon reach a considerable size so we Need to stop reinforcing behaviors which Are undesirable in adulthood such as Climbing up on people once the dog Already understands basic orders we can Start more advanced ones as well as Other exercises regular reviewing of Training on a daily or weekly basis is Also essential to ensure safety for Themselves and others for any anomalous Or problematic behaviors go into a Specialist will likely be necessary to Prevent them As with virtually all breeds especially Pedigree dogs the Tibetan Mastiff is Susceptible to certain hereditary Diseases such as hip dysplasia Hypothyroidism and tripping and various Neurological problems we also need to Highlight a characteristic particular to This breed in that females generally Only have one heat cycle per year Unlike most canines to ensure good Health the Tibetan Mastiff they must

Carry out a vaccination schedule Deworming program and regular veterinary Visits the latter should be once every Six to 12 months this can help them to Have a life expectancy between 11 and 14 Years please share your Tibetan Mastiff Experiences in the comments below like If you enjoyed the video and subscribe For more to come we’ll see you next time [Music]

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