Depression in dogs – Symptoms and What to Do

Is your dog sad or depressed? Depression in dogs is a serious problem which needs to be evaluated to provide the right support and treatment for the individual animal. The first thing you should do, however, is check with your veterinarian in case the depression is the result of an underlying medical condition. Once we rule out any pathology, we can work to improve their general well-being and happiness. Once you check out this AnimalWised video, you can evaluate your dog’s mental health and find ways to keep them well stimulated and happy.

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[Music] Dogs are very sensitive animals which Can easily perceive whether we are happy Sad or even just tired fortunately there Are also very loving creatures and their Affection and company can come in very Handy during these times however often We humans are not as good at Reciprocating the sensitivity in this Animal wise video we discussed Depression in dogs looking at the most Characteristic symptoms and providing Some tips to help improve their Happiness [Music] As with human beings canines are Susceptible to depression they may not Be caused by the same issues but if we Are aware of our dogs eventual behavior We should be able to easily identify a Bite of depression whether short or Prolonged however if a dog has only Recently been adopted into our family it May be difficult to differentiate Between their normal demeanor and Depression the most recognizable Symptoms include a lack of appetite Apathy inactivity and a lack of Affection towards their caregivers we May also observe hiding sleep it Excessively or an unwillingness to Engage in play activity however it is Essential to point out that some of These signs may be present thanks to an

Underlying condition or disneys this is Why it is so important to take them to a Vet to rule out a physical health Problem causes of depression and dogs Are varied but they usually appear after A significant change to their routine a Traumatic experience hormonal changes or As we have said disease determining this Underlying cause is essential in solving The behavioral problem the death of a Loved one or the introduction of a new Family member such as a baby are common Causes of depression and dogs but there Are many possible issues at play when Depression generates a clinical picture Which puts the dog’s health at risk it Will be essential to go to a Veterinarian preferably one specialized In ethology if they also show behavioral Changes which involve aggression going To professional dog trainer or educator Will be essential as the situation can Worsen and become dangerous if your dog Is going through an episode of sadness Or depression do not hesitate to follow Our advice to improve their well-being Offer between three and four quality Walks a day where they can smell their Environment and interact with other dogs Don’t forget the physical exercise and Play before going home Spending time with your dog doesn’t mean Being by their side without doing Anything

It requires quality time speaking to Them petting and generally offering a Lot of love and affection mental Stimulation is as important as physical Exercise so in your day to day you Shouldn’t neglect basic obedience Training mental stimulation exercises And intelligence toys Kong toys are one Which are particularly good for this Food is a basic element of care but it Is easy to underestimate its importance Provide quality food perhaps Experimenting with homemade options and Maintain hygiene through cleaning and Brushing If after a few days your dog is still Depressed you will need to visit a Veterinarian specialized in ethology to Obtain a diagnosis and assess well in The administration of drugs or behavior Modification sessions are necessary do You have a dog prone to depression have You been able to successfully bring them Round if so let us know about it in the Comments and if you find this video Helpful give us a like and subscribe to Our channel for more informative videos We’ll see you next time [Music] You

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